Data Mining Techniques: For Marketing, Sales and Customer Relationship Management

Data Mining TechniquesData Mining Techniques: For Marketing, Sales and Customer Relationship Management de Michael J.Berry y Gordon S. Linoff es un libro ideal como primera toma de contacto con la Minería de Datos.

Muestra una visión general de lo que es la Minería de Datos y las distintas técnicas disponibles para llevarla a cabo: Market Basket Analysis, Memory Based Reasoning, Automatic Cluster Detection, Link Analysis, Decision Trees, Artificial Neural Networks, Regression Analysis. Todo ello sin llegar a entrar en detalle en el aspecto estadístico o matemático de cada técnica.

Lo mejor son los ejemplos de cómo aplicar cada técnica a diferentes casos prácticos y lo amena que se hace su lectura.


Data Mining Techniques: For Marketing, Sales and Customer Relationship Management written by Michael J.Berry and Gordon S. Linoff is the ideal reference as first Data Mining book.

This book gives an overview of what data mining is and the tools available to perform it; Market Basket Analysis, Memory Based Reasoning, Automatic Cluster Detection, Link Analysis, Decision Trees, Artificial Neural Network, Regression Analysis. In each case the authors describe the principles behind the tool, its strengths and weaknesses, but they don’t go into the statistical and mathemathical details behind each tecnique.

The best of the book is that it is easy to read and includes many examples from their experience of data mining in the real world.

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